On 15-02-2020: The KG of Borj AL Shamali center has distributed the evaluation cards for kindergarten children, in presence of the parents in addition to listening to the notes of the teachers.
On 15-02-2020: The reproductive health project of Borj Al Shamali center has organized an awareness session for the mothers about influenza.
On 19-02-2020: The family happiness project of Borj Al Shamali center has organized a workshop for the mothers about recycling.
On 20-02-2020: The reproductive health project of Borj Al Shamali center has shared in an awareness session for the students of Palestine school about bullying in the occasion of this day.
On 20-02-2020: Two dentists from Sweden and Norway has visited the dental clinic of Borj AL Shamali.
On 21-02-2020: The reproductive health project of Borj Al Shamali center has organized an awareness session for the youth about stress management and the workshop included different activities (group work, drawing…).
On 21-02-2020: Borj AL Shamali center has organized a free market for distribute the clothes to poor families.
On 21-02-2020: Borj AL Shamali center has organized a workshop for the musicians of bagpipe band.
On 26-02-2020: Within the educational axis (communicating with others helps me express an opinion) Borj Al Shamali Kindergarten has accompanied the children of a third kindergarten in a field visit to Radio Sawt Al - Farah in Tyre to conduct a meaningful educational tour within their educational axis that talks about the means of communication.
On 27-02-2020: The reproductive health project of Borj Al Shamali center has organized an awareness session for the mothers about Pregnancy care and vaccines.