Family Guidance Center / Saida - Monthly Activities

Family Guidance Center / Saida - Monthly Activities

Family Guidance Center / Saida - Monthly Activities
Monthly Activities: May 2024

The center organized an open day featuring various artistic and national activities, which took place on Thursday, May 16, 2024, at Rafidia/UNRWA School.

On May 21, 2024, the center organized an awareness session for mothers of students attending remedial classes at the Ein El-Hilweh center under the title "Positive Education."

On May 27th, the center organized an awareness session titled "Dealing with Stubbornness" for a group of mothers at the Ein El-Hilweh center.

On May 29th, the center organized an awareness session on "Bullying" for eighth-grade students at the Falouja/UNRWA School.

On May 30th, 2024, the center organized an awareness session about bullying for seventh-grade students at Falouja/UNRWA School.