Rashidieh Center - Monthly Activities

Rashidieh Center - Monthly Activities

Rashidieh Center - Monthly Activities

At the beginning of the month, Kindergarten children back to their classes.

At the beginning of the month, Students back to their schools and began attended their classes at the center to have an additional education support.

Vocational Training: Continuation of the Barber’s course for a group of youth.

Psycho social Support Program: Several activities for children like yoga, she deal, little deal, peace deal and recreational activities.

Psycho social Support Program: Lecture for different groups of women.

Soccer activity: weekly training for the team.

On 11,12 of October 2021: Through the Peer Education program and in coordinating with Al Aqsa secondary school, group of Youth presented plays about school dropout, bullying and mental health.

On 14 October 2021: Library activity (reading stories and coloring) for a group of children.

14,15 and 16/10/2021: On the occasion of Birth of the Prophet Mohammad, several activities have organized with children, mothers and mother’s committee. There were a handicrafts activities with children and they have made cards, mother’s committee decorate the center and there was a small festivals for mothers

On 15 October 2021: Weekly activities (recreational, library and structural activities) with different groups of children.

On 16 October 2021: Mothers meeting in coordinating with UNRWA about back to school.

On 16 October 2021: Several activities on the occasion Birth of the Prophet Mohammad.

On 17 October 2021: Many activities with students on the occasion Birth of the Prophet Mohammad.