During the first two weeks of April 2024: The Makani Project at Rashadieh Ceneter has organized a several awareness sessions for different groups of mothers, children and youth in coordinating with kindergartens and institutions in the camp.
On 5,19/4/2024: The Family Happiness Program at Rashadieh Center has organized an awareness session about career guidance for a group of youth their ages between 16 and 18. Also organized an Awareness session about life skills for a group of adolescents their ages between 13 and 15.
On 19/4/2024: The Students of Learning Education Program at Rashadieh Center have made decorations about Spring season.
On 20/4/2024: About 70 persons participated by a national competition on the occasion of Land Day, after which gifts were distributed to the winners.
On 21/4/2024: The Peer Education Program at Rashadieh Center has started a series of awareness sessions with a new group of adolescents.