Nahr El-Bared

Nahr El-Bared


Naher El Bared camp is located in the southern-most part of Akkar region where Naher El Bared River flows into the Mediterranean Sea, a distance of 15 Km from the city of Tripoli.


The camp was established in 1949 for 6,000 refugees who were moved from the southern border villages. The area of the camp is approximately 1 square km and has not been expanded to meet the natural growth of the population, which reached, according to UNRWA figures, 24,540 inhabitants from 4,948 families. This means that the population of the camp has increased four folds, with an average family size of six individuals. Due to the civil war in Lebanon a large number of families came to Naher El Bared to seek refuge from the South and from Beirut. Their numbers in 1991 reached 2,413 persons.


I. Social Conditions:

The Naher El Bared camp comes from a small rural community in a very limited geographic area, the majority of its population originating from the Galilee villages in Northern Palestine. This characteristic facilitated the establishment of good relations with the Lebanese rural community around the camp. Due to poverty and high unemployment, the social problems are abundant in this camp, mainly among the new generation. Located in a rural area and near the sea, many families depend on fishing and agriculture. Commerce is also another source of income and for a long time this camp has linked Akkar villages with Tripoli city and provided the main necessities for those villages. However this role is diminished now due to improved communication facilities and, more generally, the economic recession in Lebanon.

During Nahrelbared crisis in 2007 since a war between the Lebanese Army and Fateh Al Islam took place, the refugees in Nahrelbared are displaced to Al Baddawi and other places in Lebanon. About 22000 people from the total population 32000 have returned to the camp, where the others are still out the camp. The old camp is divided into 4 parts to be built, but only one part have been built and only 6000 people have returned to their homes.

II. Educational Conditions:

The combined enrollment for all schools is 7,031 students, representing 32% of the overall population, distributed according to the following percentages:

• 52% in the elementary level
• 28% in the intermediate
• 9% in the secondary
• 6.5% in vocational training
• 4% reached university level

The above figures indicate that most of the children are enrolled in the elementary and intermediate schools, reflecting a great desire among the families to educate their children. 

In 2011 the secondary school is opened in Nahr El-Bared for boys and girls, and this was a great mercy for the poor family who can't afford the transportation expenses... 

At the Kindergarten level, 80% of the children in the camp are enrolled in the Kindergartens operated by different NGOs inside the camp.

III. Health Conditions:

Due to high-stress lifestyles, poor infrastructure, poor housing, pollution (mainly water) and malnutrition, diseases inside this camp are abundant. The percentage of the population suffering from chronic illness is 19.6%. A recent study ran by the Lebanese Ministry of Health indicated that the highest number of cancer cases in Lebanon was found in Naher El Bared camp.
All medical centers and clinics inside the camp lack the necessary equipment, medication and human resources necessary to enable it to meet the needs of the people.

Beit Atfal Assumoud Center:

Work started inside this camp in the year 1987, inside a small rented house. In 1990, a new spacious center was constructed through financial support from the Japanese Committee for the Children of Palestine (JCCP).

Programs and Projects

•   Family Happiness Project (Sponsorship)
•   A dental clinic
•   A mental health clinic
•   A kindergarten
•   Vocational training
•   Reproductive Health and Peed Education
•   Pediatric clinic for the children between one day and 18 years
•   A sports club with football, ping pong and running teams
•   Scouts activities, a musical band and folk dancing groups
•   Remedial classes
•   Art, Cultural  and recreational activities for children and youth, including summer camps
•   Social activities for mothers