Palestinian Embroidery

Palestinian Embroidery
The embroidery project started in the year 1987; production, and sale point of the finished pieces are located at our Palestinian Embroidery Workshop.

Palestinian embroidery is an art accomplished by Palestinian women and considered an income-generating project for many; while for others, such as school and university students it provides only some income, covering part of their expenses.

Embroidery projects are distributed inside and outside the Palestinian camps, with a staff employed to distribute the work among the women in their homes.

The Embroidery project has recently adopted the use of a specialized computer program in order to create more intricate and unique designs that could not be sourced elsewhere. The program in addition to allowing the women to develop creative and attractive new designs has also allowed them to improvement the quality and accuracy of their work.

The project’s objectives are to:
  • Revive and preserve our Palestinian heritage and pass it on to the new generations.
  • Create job opportunities for Palestinian women.
  • Increase the income of some families, while allowing women to home caring for their children. 
  • Attract the world's sight to us via our artistic work.

Number of beneficiaries:

The direct beneficiaries are those women working in the production of the embroidery, while the indirect beneficiaries are the family members whose standard of living will improve. However, the most important beneficiary is the Palestinian community who through this work will preserve and keep alive part of their culture and beautiful heritage.