Bourj El-Barajneh Center Weekly Activities

Bourj El-Barajneh Center Weekly Activities

Bourj El-Barajneh Center Weekly Activities

on 01-12-2018: Bourj El-Barajneh Center has organized an activity for the remedial students which included (the game of chairs + movement and idol).

on 01-12-2018: Bourj El-Barajneh Center members visits the Local Mayor of the Bourj El-Barajneh Municipality to thank him for his constant support of the Palestinian People by presenting a shield to him in the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

On 01-12-2018: Bourj El-Barajneh members were participating in the occasion of the international day of Aids (Movenpick Hotel)

On 01-12-2018: Bourj El-Barajneh center has organized a recreational picnic for special needs students. (Qassqass Park)

On 03-12-2018: Bourj El-Barajneh center has organized the monthly meeting with the Family Happiness Project mothers'. The subject of meeting was "the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People" which includes teaching the mothers how to make traditional sweet called "Mahkaroon"

On 4 & 6 -12-2018: Bourj El-Barajneh center provided two health awareness sessions to the mothers (Women’s Infections and cervical cancer + Sexually Transmitted Diseases. (Reproductive Health Project)