Mar Elias Center Weekly Activities

Mar Elias Center Weekly Activities

Mar Elias Center Weekly Activities
During the last two weeks of September 2018, Mar Elias Center has organized the following activities:
  • 16/9/2018: A delegation arrived at the center for lunch and then bought a Palestinian embroidery.
  • 19/9/2018: The presence of a delegation "to not forget Sabra and Shatila" to hold an interactive meeting on "The Role of Arab Civil Society in Facing the Challenges" with Mr. Adib Ne'ma.
  • 21/9/2018: Participating in a mass rally to commemorate the 36th anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacre. A memorial ceremony was held for the martyrs of Sabra and Shatila massacre.
  • 26/9/2018: Training for the social workers about "Documentation and archiving in social work” with the coordinator Dr. Rania Mansour and the trainer Ms. Khawla Khalaf . from the center , Ms. Hiam daabas was the participants. 
  • 28/9/2018: A youth workshop in Beirut with project coordinator Donia Fatayri and coach Fadi Dibaje (Number of participants from center 9).